Artifacts of the Future: Digital Art Discovery

Publication Name : STDI

Published Date : Sun, 05-May-2024

Category Name : Performing Arts

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Book Specification And Summary

Artifacts of the Future: Digital Art Discovery

 Embark on a captivating journey into the future with “Artifacts of the Future: Digital Art Discovery,” a tale that intertwines the innocence and wonder of children with the limitless possibilities of digital art. In this enchanting story, a group of curious children stumble upon a mysterious artifact that transports them to a world where art and technology converge in mesmerizing ways. As they navigate this digital realm, the children discover the power of creativity, imagination, and collaboration, unlocking hidden talents and forging deep friendships along the way. Through vibrant illustrations and heartwarming narratives, “Artifacts of the Future” celebrates the magic of art and the boundless potential of young minds in shaping the world of tomorrow. Join these young adventurers as they unravel the secrets of digital art and embark on an unforgettable quest to unlock the mysteries of the future.

Title Artifacts of the Future: Digital Art Discovery
Author Suzette Roberts, BSc., ADE
Publisher STDI
No. of page 1

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